Newsflash 18 August 2011: new harvest of Mandheling has arrived
Sanpeace Foods (Pty) Ltd trading as The Coffee Roasting Co. depends on both outside brokers and its direct contact with exporters in countries of origin to source the highest grade of its primary raw material, green coffee. Coffee has a well-established, although volatile, US dollar price; the green coffees that this company purchases is generally at several multiples of the New York price and subject to it's own specialty supply and demand factors. This tends to vary substantially from lot to lot and from season to season, often depending on competitive bids for these limited top-quality green coffees. Also, all purchases are conducted in US Dollars and is hence a function of the Rand / Dollar exchange rate. Given these two extremely volatile factors, the South African Rand prices that the Coffee Roasting Co. purchases its green coffee are subject to substantial price fluctuations over time. These reflect directly in the prices of our products. However we strive to provide best product and best price. We do not spend money on advertising and hence this cost does not have to be recovered in the product price. Our prices are competitive and fair. We have a policy of not discounting as we are offering coffee at the best possible price. Our Switch House Blend is always blended as our most price-competitive coffee.