Newsflash 18 August 2011: new harvest of Mandheling has arrived
The Coffee Roasting Co. is happy to announce the launch of ORGANICA, its first Organic Certified Relationship Coffee. This new coffee is produced by 128 small coffee growers from the municipalities of El Tambo and Timbio, in the southern department of Cauca. These 128 producers are members of the following three coffee grower associations: • Asociación de Productores Orgánicos del Cauca (ASORGANICA); • Corporación para el Desarrollo de la Sericultura del Cauca (CORSEDA); and • Asociación de Mujeres Caucanas (AMACA).Virmax has been working with these producers since 2004, helping them improve the quality of their coffee so that they can access the high quality coffee market. For this crop year, there are 94.6 tons of certified organic parchment coffee in 345 hectares, with an average yield of roughly 245 kg per hectare. This is a very low yield, as the national average yield is of approximately 700 kg of parchment coffee per hectare. Of the 128 producers, 53 are women (or roughly 41%). It is important to highlight that next year another 75 coffee growers from those three organisations will receive the organic certification, thereby increasing the amount of organic certified coffee available. The coffee is USDA NOP certified by Mayacert and certified under Colombian organic regulations by Biotropico.
Tasting notes from Lourensford winemaker Hannes Nel: Nose: Nutty, tobacco, jasmine, honey, hints of ripe berries and smoked bacon Pallet: Jasmine, honey comb, good acid balance, nutty, tobacco and good aftertaste and fullness.
A balanced, layered and creamy coffee with fruit and tobacco flavours and very good acid balance. This is a real special occasion coffee with all the components for excellence and worth paying more for as a super icon coffee.