Newsflash 18 August 2011: new harvest of Mandheling has arrived
most famous typica mutation was first discovered in the Maragogype region of Our Maragogype is grown in the Matagalpa province of Nicaragua. It is a rare and low-yielding species where the coffee crops of many growers is pooled to make up a lot. Even at source this coffee commands three to four times the regular price of Arabica Typica coffee. Pronouced as "Maragoshyp" or "Mara-go-hee-pey" An
extravagant, light, rich body and perfect spring-like flavour Fantastic
with light desserts, non-spicy oriental foods, fruits and things like
chicken with mango salsa… With
this taste think
exotic things; vanilla, orchids, tropical fruit Best made in a French press and best drunk black