Newsflash 18 August 2011: new harvest of Mandheling has arrived
Antigua, Guatemala, is considered by many coffee experts as the world's best coffee growing region: these beans are grown in the perfect climate, dominated by light rains from the Pacific, on the exceptionally mineral-rich soild slopes of the Acatenango and still-active Fuego volcanos (picture above). This is a coffee terroir that imparts a unique taste to the coffee. Our recent Guatemalan Antigua is a well-rounded coffee with exceptional taste: clean, aromatic and classic bittersweet. Always ranks near the top on our blind taste tests. A popular coffee for everyday, all-day drinking. The unique characteristics of the Antigua coffees derive from the high pumice content of the soil; which comes from the eruptions of three big volcanos. Most trees are planted in the ashes of the major 1932 eruption of the Fuego volcano. Besides the fresh richness of the soil, the pumice helps maintain the relative humidity of the area at a relatively dry and steady level af about 65 percent all year round. The resulting "strictly hard bean" coffee seeds have a world-famous taste density. Our classic Antigua coffee was grown, harversted and processed by Pulcal Benefico. The new 2010 harvest of Antigua has a more rounded and balance taste. The third Agua volcano as seen from the "Catedral" square, Plaza de Armas, in the town of Antigua